Medicare Advantage Members
Your Health Plan
As of February 2024, the CDC has updated its COVID-19 isolation guidelines to align with recommendations for flu and other respiratory illnesses. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should isolate and/or stay home while experiencing symptoms and return to work or school once you’re feeling better and have been without a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medication. Even after returning to work or school, the CDC still recommends exercising caution for at least five days, which includes:
- Wearing masks around vulnerable or immunocompromised people
- Opening windows to increase fresh air flow
Visit the CDC’s Respiratory Virus Guidance for more information.
Yes. We encourage you to use your Teladoc™ Health telehealth benefit to stay home as much as possible. Your normal costs for a Teladoc appointment will apply.
COVID-19 and Fraud
Your Health
The first step is to stay home and separate yourself from other people or animals as much as possible. That’ll help keep germs from spreading until you can get tested and advice from a doctor.
Next, check with your county health department to schedule at a free testing site or call your primary care provider. If your doctor thinks you need to be tested, they can give you instructions for where to go for testing if their office doesn’t offer it. Many pharmacies and urgent care centers offer testing.
Other than for testing, please stay at home, wear a mask and isolate yourself from others in your home, if possible.
If you’re up to date with vaccination or had confirmed COVID-19 within the past 90 days:
- Wear a high-quality mask or respirator (e.g., N95) as soon as you find out you were exposed and any time you are around others inside your home or indoors in public . You don’t need to stay home unless you develop symptoms.
- Get tested five days after exposure, even if you don’t get symptoms. Start counting from Day 1:
- Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19
- Day 1 is the first full day after your last exposure
- Watch for symptoms for 10 days following your exposure.
- If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately, get tested, stay home until you know your results, and wear a mask around others.
If you’re unvaccinated:
- Wear a high-quality mask or respirator (e.g., N95) as soon as you find out you were exposed and any time you are around others inside your home or indoors in public . You don’t need to stay home unless you develop symptoms.
- Get tested five days after exposure, even if you don’t get symptoms. Start counting from Day 1:
- Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19
- Day 1 is the first full day after your last exposure
- Watch for symptoms for 10 days following exposure.
- If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately, get tested, stay home until you know your results, and wear a mask around others.
The first step is to stay home and separate yourself from other people or animals as much as possible. That’ll help keep germs from spreading until you can get advice from a doctor.
Next, check with your county health department to schedule at a free testing site or call your primary care provider. If your doctor thinks you need to be tested, they can give you instructions on where to go for testing if their office doesn’t offer it. Many pharmacies and urgent care centers offer testing.
Other than for testing, please stay at home, wear a mask and isolate yourself from others in your home, if possible.
If you test positive, stay home for five days, and wear a mask if you have to be around others in your home. Day 1 of five is the first full day after you got symptoms or when you tested. Wear a mask around others until Day 10.
If you have symptoms:
- You can end isolation after Day 5 if you haven’t had a fever for at least 24 hours – without using a fever-reducing medicine – and your symptoms are improving.
If you didn’t have symptoms:
- You may end your isolation after Day 5 of a positive test.
If you had severe symptoms:
- Isolate for 10 days. Talk to your doctor before ending isolation.
Yes. Providers are following some safety social distancing guidelines, so be sure to call their office before your appointment to know what extra safety steps they’ll want you to follow when you get there. You also should take some personal safety measures, including wearing a mask if you’re not fully vaccinated and making sure you don’t have a fever or any signs of COVID-19 before going in person. If you are vaccinated and do not have any symptoms, be sure to consult the level of risk in your area to see the CDC’s guidelines for mask-wearing. If you have any symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you’ll need to reschedule your appointment.
If you have health issues that put you at higher risk of COVID-19 complications or simply don’t feel comfortable going out in person, many providers are still offering telehealth appointments.
Protecting Yourself and Others
Getting a vaccine is your best protection against COVID-19. Until you’re fully vaccinated, social distancing and wearing a mask are the best ways to protect yourself. Even if you’re vaccinated, the CDC recommends wearing a mask in many situations, depending on the level of risk in your area. Stay up to date on the latest mask guidelines here.
Wash your hands with soap and water frequently, especially if you’re out of your home. Hand sanitizer can help when soap and water are unavailable.
Clean all frequently touched surfaces in your home, car and workspace.
Cover your coughs and sneezes, and immediately throw away the used tissues.
If someone in your house is sick or has symptoms, have them self-isolate away from others in the house. Call their provider for instructions on what to do next.